Evaluation of a novel glass vial overcoming adsorption effect for pharmaceutical drugs

The majority of pharmaceutical drugs are still small molecule drugs. Many of them consist of basic compounds. Although carryover is one of the biggest issues when analyzing basic compounds with HPLC, the recent progress of HPLC system has been overcoming the issue. On the one hand, adsorption onto consumables when in sample preparation is regarded as another big issue. Especially, adsorption onto vials directly decreases the accuracy and the precision of quantitative values. Two main materials of HPLC vial are glass and polypropylene. It is famous that basic compounds adsorb to glass surface and hydrophobic compounds absorb to polypropylene surface, respectively. The adsorption rate elevates at the lower sample concentration. Thus, recent progress of HPLC system on sensitivity emphasize the adsorption effect. To overcome the adsorption effect, we developed and evaluated a novel glass vial "LabTotal vial" which is highly inert to basic compounds and perfect for highly sensitive LC/MS analyses.

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Mass Spectrometry, Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Liquid Chromatography
glass vial, polypropylene, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Development (Formulation, Scale-up, Method development), LCMS-8060, Nexera MP, SFT-4500, LabTotal vial
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