Differential analysis of fermented beverage using fast polarity switching TOFMS acquisition with high mass accuracy and multivariate analysis

The metabolomics technique can rapidly bring information about the similarities and differences within a chromatographic dataset. A metabolomic based approach has been established for metabolite profiling and biomarker discovery. However, it is equally applicable to other research fields including industrial chemical product characterization, food analysis and natural product research. In the case of fermented product research, sample profiling is often a significant challenge due to the intrinsic differences between samples influenced by the combination of ingredients, production processes, and storage conditions. In this study, we developed an LC-based approach to determine metabolite profiles including polar metabolites and to identify specific endogenous components, aiming at high throughput and comprehensive methods using TOFMS acquisition.

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
Profiling study, Electrospray, Time of Flight, MSn, Structure Determination, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Metabolomics, LCMS-IT-TOF
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