Qualitative Determination of Genetically Modified Ingredients in Soybean and Corn Using the MultiNA and the PCR Method

Genomes in three groups of soybean and corn samples were extracted using a plant genome extraction reagent kit, using the soybean endogenous Lectin and corn endogenous Zein genes as internal references. Specific primers were designed for the exogenous promoter CaMV35S and exogenous terminator NOS genes commonly used in genetically modified crops for PCR amplification, and the amplified products were determined using the MultiNA to determine if any genetically modified ingredients are present. The results indicate that no genetically modified ingredients were detected in the three groups of soybean samples, while the NOS exogenous gene was detected in two groups of corn samples. This experiment indicates that the screening and qualitative determination of genetically modified crops can be realized using the MultiNA.

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Life Science Lab Instruments
MultiNA, PCR, Detection of Genetically Modified Components, Bean, Maize, Qualitative Determination, Food and Beverages, Food QAQC, Food safety (Residues, Contaminants), MultiNA, MCE-202
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