Measurement of a Cement Admixture by a TOC Solid Sample Measurement System

To modify and improve the performance of concrete, water reducing agents, water proofing agents and other admixtures are added to cement. Accordingly, to confirm the strength and properties of existing building structures, it is important to assess the amount of cement admixtures included in the concrete. Using the Shimadzu TOC solid sample measurement system, the pulverized concrete can be directly loaded into the instrument to measure the amount of organic carbon. As a result, measurement process and time are reduced, and the impact of variance in the measurement values due to extraction can be reduced.This document introduces an example of the measurement of a cement admixture in pulverized concrete using the TOC solid sample combustion system, which combines the TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer with the SSM-5000A solid sample combustion unit.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis, TOC Analysis
Cement, Concrete, Cement admixture, Water reducing agent, Water proofing agent, Amount of organic carbon, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), Environment, Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water, Soil, Fertilizer, Waste Material Test, TOC-LCPH
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