Environmental Accounting

Environmental Accounting

1. Environmental Conservation Activity Costs

(Unit: million yen)

Classification Primary Measures Investment Expenses
2022 2023 2022 2023
1 Costs Within
Business Areas
Prevention Costs

Noise control, etc.

64 93 143 138
Global Environment
Conservation Costs

Response to climate change, save energy, etc.

241 278 251 249
Waste Reduction
and Recycling Costs

Commissioned waste
processing, emission
reductions, and waste

0 0 155 138
Subtotal 305 371 549 525
2 Environmental Management Costs

Office expenses,

0 0 224 237
3 Social Activity Costs

Monetary donations,
greening, cleaning
of areas near plants, etc.

25 1 66 63
4 Costs of Environmental Damage   0 0 0 0
Total 330 372 839 825
Reference Total Capital Investments for the Applicable Period   10,611 10,058    

2. Research and Development Costs

(Unit: million yen)

Item Primary Details Investment Cost
2022 2023 2022 2023
1 R&D Costs

Development of
environmentally friendly and
environmentally beneficial products

0 6 6,976 7,907
Reference Total R&D Expenses for the Applicable Period 17,559 18,993

3. Calculation conditions

  1. Scope of aggregation: Shimadzu Corporation
  2. Target period: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
  3. Expenses related to education, conferences, and social activities: Calculated by multiplying the total number of man-hours expended by personnel involved in these activities by an hourly labor cost of 5,000 yen.

Preventing Global Warming