An Improved ASTM D3612 TOGAS System

ASTM D-3612 is a GC method to extract and determine Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, Carbon Monoxide and C2-C3 in hydrocarbon-based transformer oils. Three procedures have been described based on a gas chromatograph with TCD, Methanizer and FID. Two improvements have been made by employing a Barrier Ionization Discharge (BID) Detector in place of the TCD: (a) Hydrogen and Methane Detection Levels have been lowered from 10ppm to 100ppb and (b) Propylene has been incorporated in the analysis.Two PLOT columns in serials and a 4-port sampling valve direct the gas components to either BID or FID. H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO are separated and detected by BID; CO2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and C3H6 detected by FID. CO2 passes through a Methanizer and is reduced to CH4, which, is combustible and analyzed by FID.

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Gas Chromatography
ASTM D3612, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), Tracera
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