Fast GCMS Analysis of 60 VOC Compounds Using Headspace-Trap Sampling

The analysis of EPA624 regulated volatile organic compounds in drinking and waste water is usually done with headspace or purge and trap technique using a so called 624 phase with 30 m, 0.25 mm, 1.4 μm according to the EPA method 624. Reducing analysis time (fast GC) but maintaining chromatographic resolution has been successfully applied using narrow bore columns in various fields. In Headspace analysis the transfer of sample from the insert to the column is quite slow as normally small split ratios are used in favour of sensitivity which has been in contradiction to fast GC approaches. This paper deals with fast GC approach in combination with Headspace sampling. Helium and Hydrogen was used as carrier gas.

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Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry
VOC EPA624 drinking water waste water headspace purge and trap Benzene vinyl chloride, Environment, Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water,Drinking Water, Pool Water, GCMS-QP2010 Ultra.
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