High-Sensitivity Analysis of Phenols in Drinking Water Using Nitrogen Carrier Gas

With the sudden rise in the price of helium in recent years, carrier gases that can be used in place of helium are sought after. Hydrogen and nitrogen are potential substitute gases for helium. Though nitrogen is safer than hydrogen and easier to handle, there is a reduction in the sensitivity compared to helium and that makes it difficult to maintain analytical precision for trace analyses. The GCMS-QP2020, however, features a large-volume differential vacuum system that is able to minimize the reduction in sensitivity caused by using nitrogen as a carrier gas.
This Application Data Sheet demonstrates the advantages of the GCMS-QP2020 by reporting the results of analyzing phenols in drinking water using nitrogen as a carrier gas.

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Mass Spectrometry, Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry
Nitrogen Carrier Gas, phenols, Environment, Drinking Water, Pool Water, GCMS-QP2020
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