Improved Efficiency of Isomer Preparative Operations by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Stacked Injection

Preparative processes are used in a wide variety of fields, such as for selectively screening seed or lead compounds from newly synthesized compounds, or for structural analysis of impurities in pharmaceuticals or components with specific functional properties in natural substances. Preparative supercritical fluid chromatography (preparative SFC) is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and many other fields because it can shorten analysis times and simplify post-processing. For analysis involving a limited number of peaks, such as when separating isomers of chiral compounds, stacked injection can improve the efficiency of preparative purification.
This report describes an example of using the stacked injection functionality of the Nexera UC Prep preparative supercritical fluid chromatograph system to improve the efficiency of preparative operations.

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Liquid Chromatography
Preparative SFC, stacked injection, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Nexera UC Prep
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