Quick Screening and Quantitative Analysis of Carcinogens in Medicinal Plants Using DPiMS™-8060

Aristolochic acid and its metabolite, aristolactam, are found in traditional Chinese medicines such as Aristolochia debilis (aristolochia root) and Asiasarum sieboldii (aboveground part) and in Houttuynia cordata and other wild grasses. These compounds, including their plant forms, are classified as carcinogens. From the viewpoint of preventing health damage, it is necessary to establish rapid and effective screening and quantitation methods for these harmful substances, which have serious impacts on human health.
This Application News introduces an example of the use of the internal standard method for rapid screening and quantitative analysis of aristolochic acid and its metabolite, utilizing a Shimadzu DPiMS-8060 direct probe ionization mass spectrometer kit.

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
Herbal medicine, wild grass, herb, Chinese medicine, carcinogens, harmful substances, aristolochic acid, aristolactam, rapid screening, internal standard method, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, DPiMS-8060
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