A Rapid LCMS Method for Evaluating PPCPs Contaminants Found in Drinking Water

Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) encompass a family of compounds used by individuals for health and cosmetic purposes, as well as compounds used by the agricultural industry to maintain health of livestock. The number of individuals who are using these products is increasing which has caused an increase in environmental detection. The effect on humans and the environment is still unknown causing the need for more research on the topic. These contaminates are introduced into local waterways via sewage plants and natural disposal (ie; animal excrement and landfill waste).
This poster demonstrates a method for evaluating a combination of PPCPs listed in EPA 1694, 6810 and 4167 at parts per billion levels using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
PPCPs, Environment, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Drinking Water, Pool Water, Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water, LCMS-8050
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