Protein Analysis Platform
- Combining the powerful capabilities of MALDI-TOF MS (MALDI-8020) and Edman Sequencing (PPSQ™-50A Gradient System) for accurate N-terminal sequence of peptides

Amino acid sequence analysis of proteins and peptides by using a protein sequencer provides results with high reliability and certainty. However, this method requires considerable time, and the number of amino acid residues that can be identified from the N-terminus is limited. In Source Decay (ISD) sequencing by MALDI-TOF MS enables quick and highly sensitive analysis in amino acid sequence analyses, but in some cases identification is difficult, for example, due to problems in distinguishing isomers or the effect of the matrix.
This article introduces an example of analysis in which amino acid sequence analysis with higher reliability was realized by combining two instruments with these complementary techniques.

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Mass Spectrometry, Life Science Lab Instruments, MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry, Protein Sequencer
Amino acid sequence analysis, modified amino acid, protein and peptide, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, MALDI-8020, PPSQ-50A
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