Measurement of TOC in High-Salt Sample with High-Salt Sample Combustion Tube Kit

The quantity of organic matter in seawater is important in the research and monitoring of marine pollution as an indicator of organic pollution. The salt content in sea water is typically about 3.5 %, but using the Shimadzu total organic carbon analyzer, it is possible to measure the TOC directly without dilution or other pretreatment procedures. Further, it is possible to reduce running costs by using the high-salt sample combustion tube kit, which can prolong the life of the catalyst and combustion tube, as well as reduce the frequency of maintenance.
Here, we introduce an example of measurement of organic carbon in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride using the TOC-LCSH total organic carbon analyzer with the high-salt sample combustion tube kit installed.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis, TOC Analysis
TOC, Total organic carbon analyzer, Seawater, Natural water, Environmental water, Environmental analysis, Organic compound, Salt solution, Waste water, Environment, Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water, TOC-L
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