Measurement of total nitrogen (TN) for protein estimation in pharmaceutical vaccines on the Shimadzu TOC-L with TNM-L

In the past, the Kjeldahl method has been used to measure nitrogen in proteins, but it takes a long time to measure and is complicated to analyze. Therefore, the total nitrogen (TN) method by thermal decomposition and chemiluminescence method, which enables rapid and efficient measurement, was compared with the Kjeldahl method for 4 kinds of vaccines, and it was confirmed that equivalent results were obtained.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis
Proteins, pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, total nitrogen, TN assay, pyrolysis-chemiluminescence assay, Kjeldahl assay, vaccines, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, FHA (fibrous hemagglutinin), glutamic acid, histidine, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Proteomics, TOC-L
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