Analysis of TOC and TN in Fertilizers

Fertilizers are generally used to supplement the three major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) which are essential for plant growth. Large amounts of organic matter also exist in soil and are useful for stabilizing plant growth.
In this study, the total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in liquid fertilizers and a compost extract were measured using a system consisting of TOC-L and TNM-L. Quick and simple measurement of the TOC and TN concentrations in fertilizer can be expected to be useful in enhancing the productivity of agricultural crops.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis
Soil, compost, sludge, environment, agriculture, biotechnology, TOC, TN, solid sample measurement, Environment, Food and Beverages, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), TOC-L
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