Resource Circulation and Materials

Contributing to Resource Circulation-Related Industries with Measurement Technologies

CO2 Recovery and Sequestration
Various physical and chemical methods are being investigated for recovering and sequestering CO2 emitted from combustion equipment. When developing such technologies, CO2 concentrations are measured to determine the recovery and sequestration status.
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Evaluating the Quantity of CO2 Absorbed in Concrete by TOC Solid Sample Measurement System
Since the process of manufacturing cement, which is a key ingredient in concrete, emits large quantities of CO2, there have been various initiatives in the construction industry to reconsider the ingredients and manufacturing processes for producing concrete. One such initiative that has attracted interest is the development of a new type of concrete that can capture CO2 that was emitted into the atmosphere by fixing it into the concrete ingredients. In addition to reducing the quantity of cement used, using CO2-absorbing ingredients is expected to enable a significant reduction in the quantity of CO2 emitted. This article describes an example of using the TOC solid sample measurement system to evaluate the quantity of CO2 absorbed and fixed in concrete by measuring its inorganic carbon (IC) content.
Evaluation of the Quantity of CO2 Absorbed by an Aqueous Amine Solution
This is an example of confirming information about the behavior of the aqueous amine solution and absorption reactor used to recover CO2 by bubbling a known concentration of CO2 gas through an aqueous amine solution while monitoring the CO2 concentration in real time.
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Reducing CO2 Emissions
Technologies, such as the use of additives for reducing the CO2 emissions generated during combustion, are being developed. CO2 concentrations are measured during the development and evaluation of these additives.
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Measurement of CO2 Emissions during Combustion of Plastics Formulated with Additives
Additives are being developed to reduce CO2 emission levels by converting carbons that otherwise would be emitted into the atmosphere as CO2 when plastic is burned and trapping them as carbides. This example describes measuring the CO2 during the development and evaluation of such an additive.
Algal Biomass
Some microalgae produce oil. It is expected that these microalgae-produced oils will be mixed with conventional automotive or aviation fuels and utilized. The oil from microalgae is created by photosynthesis and is expected to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.
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Monitoring of Algae Growth by TOC Measurement
Here, we introduce an example of a unique application in which the TOC-LCPH total organic carbon analyzer is used to track the growth process of microalgae by directly measuring, without conducting any pretreatment, the TOC content in a suspended culture of microalgae cells.
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Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Aviation accounts for about 3 % of total CO2 emitted by human activities. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is made using raw materials derived from plants and other biomass. Because SAF is blended with conventional aviation fuels, it can be readily used in existing aircraft and equipment.
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Determination of Fatty Acids Methyl Esters (FAMEs) in aviation turbine fuel by GCMS Scan/SIM mode as per IP585
Jet Fuels or Aviation Turbine fuels (AVTUR) are petroleum products used to power gas turbine engines in aircrafts. It is a mixture of variety of hydrocarbons and the individual ratios of these hydrocarbons varies based on petroleum sources. The method described here is followed based on the directions laid down by IP 585 method. The analysis is performed on Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX using Shimadzu StabilwaxTM capillary column.
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Wood Biomass
Wood biomass from forest thinning and lumber waste can be burned as a fuel or gasified for use as an energy source. The CO2 emitted from using these energy sources is offset by the CO2 absorbed during the plant growth process. As a result, wood biomass has attracted attention as a carbon-neutral resource.
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Analysis of Biomass Using Organic Acid Analysis System
Here, we introduce an example of simultaneous analysis of acetic acid, formic acid, furfural, and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural, typically present in the biomass, using a combination of an organic acid analysis system together with an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometric detector.
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Applicable Products
Evaluation of CO2 Quantities Absorbed
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer TOC-L Series
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Solid Sample Combustion Unit SSM- 5000A -
Strength Testing CO2 Absorbing Concrete
Analysis of Biomass by Organic Acid Analysis System
Analysis of Elements in Cement
Simultaneous Analysis of Inorganic Gases and Low-Grade Hydrocarbons
Analysis of Metabolites and Visualization of Metabolic Pathways in Microorganisms
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
Click here for product details
LCMS-8060 -
Continuous Analysis of CO2, CH4, CO and Monitoring Trends