Detailed Environmental Impact Data

CO2 Emission Quantity

Unit: metric ton

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Shimadzu Corporation・Group Companies
Head Office・Sanjo Works 18,819 15,735 14,738 4,664 1,036
Murasakino Works 282 255 307 60 33
Atsugi Works 835 805 661 190 0
Hadano Works 1,791 1,657 1,375 300 4
Seta Works 5,875 4,565 3,674 984 20
Technology Research Laboratory (Keihanna) 1,081 848 1,056 364 30
Tonomachi Works 0
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. (Head Office) 1,846 1,636 1,102 590 347
Shimane Shimadzu Corporation 2,037 1,855 1,792 1,679 374
Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation 1,440
Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan 1,035 1,009 1,153 753 446
Overseas Group Companies
Group Companies in China 4,633 4,468 5,077 5,232 2,826
Group Companies in US 3,843 2,556 1,273 1,426 1,252
Group Companies in Europe 832 1,289 364 342 214
Group Companies in Other Countries 2,049 1,869 1,896 1,805 2,440
Total of sites 44,958 38,548 34,468 18,389 10,462
  • *The power conversion factor for each applicable year is calculated using the values published by the power companies under contact at each site, and the actual emission factors for each electric power supplier, published by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment.
    ** Tonomachi Works and Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation were added to the list from FY2022.

Energy Usage

Unit: GJ

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Shimadzu Corporation・Group Companies
Head Office・Sanjo Works 426,744 437,093 440,511 460,214 463,877
Murasakino Works 6,822 5,736 5,375 5,390 5,922
Atsugi Works 15,969 15,969 13,655 14,898 14,332
Hadano Works 34,225 32,868 28,425 31,642 33,912
Seta Works 134,341 129,109 111,503 125,288 138,315
Technology Research Laboratory (Keihanna) 24,690 23,682 32,153 46,116 46,033
Tonomachi Works 7,943
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. (Head Office) 33,869 32,664
Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation 24,692
Shimane Shimadzu Corporation 31,047 30,233 29,994 31,290 32,519
Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan 62,984 64,612 58,243 26,630 25,381
Overseas Group Companies  
Group Companies in China 68,101 71,512 79,495 83,760 77,577
Group Companies in US 87,558 59,922 52,091 57,303 61,567
Group Companies in Europe 32,519 37,674 34,098 34,248 40,912
Group Companies in Other Countries 33,643 30,349 31,285 31,879 39,143
Total of sites 958,643 938,760 916,828 982,528 1,044,789
  • Note: The amount of waste discharged includes industrial waste, business related general waste, and valuables.
    *Shimadzu Techno-Research Inc. is included in "Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan" until FY2020.
    ** Tonomachi Works and Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation were added to the list from FY2022.

Waste Output

Unit: metric ton

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Shimadzu Corporation・Group Companies
Head Office・Sanjo Works 2,499.4 2,369.4 2,607.6 2,653.4 2,767.4
Murasakino Works 142.0 195.6 174.2 241.3 197.9
Atsugi Works 15.1 12.2 7.4 11.2 7.3
Hadano Works 181.4 169.3 165.4 140.8 169.3
Seta Works 1,383.3 1,372.4 1,181.4 1,494.8 1,653.6
Technology Research Laboratory (Keihanna) 21.7 16.5 55.8 23.7 15.6
Tonomachi Works 6.4
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. 72.4 95.7 94.8
Shimane Shimadzu Corporation 901.5 917.2 975.6 914.6 876.5
Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation 40.9
Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan 83.1 84.3 74.2 69.6 65.3
Overseas Group Companies  
Group Companies in China 108.4 102.4 111.5 304.5 191.4
Group Companies in US 81.9 170.0 169.9 205.0 180.9
Group Companies in Europe 37.9 78.7 84.9 102.2 88.6
Group Companies in Other Countries 85.1 79.8 100.8 104.0 125.0
Total of sites 5,540.9 5,567.8 5,781.1 6,360.8 6,480.8
  • Note: The amount of waste discharged includes industrial waste, business related general waste, and valuables.
    Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc was added to the list from FY2020.
    Tonomachi Works and Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation were added to the list from FY2022.

Tap Water Usage

Unit: m3

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Shimadzu Corporation・Group Companies
Head Office・Sanjo Works 163,738 165,498 168,860 170,208 200,018
Murasakino Works 5,254 3,684 2,632 2,351 3,175
Atsugi Works 4,387 3,800 2,948 3,094 4,263
Hadano Works 7,450 6,280 6,250 6,258 5,238
Seta Works 15,665 16,792 14,869 14,993 21,444
Technology Research Laboratory (Keihanna) 6,657 6,459 8,589 8,731 9,272
Tonomachi Works 625
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc. (Head Office) 3,766 3,937
Shimane Shimadzu Corporation 4,458 3,173 3,129 3,026 3,130
Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation 19,524
Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan 1,741 2,615
Overseas Group Companies  
Group Companies in China 41,891 26,528 22,921 24,427 24,886
Group Companies in US 8,638 9,353 6,738 11,841 5,062
Group Companies in Europe 3,945 3,874 2,414 3,180 3,678
Group Companies in Other Countries 15,943 13,290 10,437 13,511 18,663
Total of sites 278,026 258,731 249,787 267,127 325,530.0
  • *Shimadzu Techno-Research Inc. and Other sites of Shimadzu Group in Japan have been included in the total since FY2021.
    * Tonomachi Works and Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation were added to the list from FY2022.

Usage of PRTR-Reported Substances in Japan


Reporting Business Organizations and Substances Used 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Shimadzu Corporation
Sanjo Works[Kyoto]
Acetonitrile 1,100 1,000 1,100
Nickel and Nickel compounds 4,200 2,400 3,000 1,500 2,800
1-bromopropane 1,000 1,000 1,000
Hydrogen fluoride and its water-soluble salts 1,000
Shimadzu Corporation
Seta Works [Shiga]
Xylene 1,700
Toluene 1,100
Shimadzu Industrial Systems Co., LTD.
Head office factory [Shiga]
Toluene 1,300.9
Shimadzu Precision Technology, Ltd.
Head office factory [Shiga]
Ethylbenzene 1,200.7 1,700.0
Xylene 1,912 2,600
Shimadzu Techno-Research, Inc.
Head office [Kyoto]
Dichloromethane 2,662 2,875 2,373 2,752 2,457
Toluene 3,480 3,184 3,095 3,465 3,173
n-Hexane 4,095 3,900 3,610 3,159 3,275
  • Note: Above are the lists Shimadzu Corporation filed to Japanese government under the law of PRTR. Law of PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register):Its purpose is to reduce the risk of chemical substances in the environment.

Environmental Accounting