The 35th Anniversary of the Shimadzu Group in Singapore

The Shimadzu Group has over 100 overseas locations*, each of which plays a role in development, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and service. Approximately 6,000 employees or about 40 % of the entire Group work at overseas locations.

Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd. (hereafter SAP), which sells analytical instruments and medical systems in Singapore, celebrated its 35th anniversary in November 2024, and a ceremony was held to commemorate this.

  • *Including branches

Video digest of the SAP 35th anniversary commemorative ceremony

SAP, Regional Head Office for the South Asian and SE Asian Regions

SAP was established in November 1989. It provides analytical instruments and medical systems to a broad range of research and development organizations. In addition to Singapore, SAP has subsidiaries in India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and conducts business through an extensive network of regional distributors in more than 18 countries.


SAP is situated in Singapore Science Park.

SAP is situated in Singapore Science Park.
The national university (NUS) and hospital (NUH) are adjacent to the park

SAP is also proactively involved in CSR activities. In 2024, SAP collaborated with regional businesses and organizations to clean up the main rivers in Singapore, deliver essential everyday items to the elderly, and participate in blood donations.


Recovering 20 kg of plastic garbage over the course of a day, using boats

Recovering 20 kg of plastic garbage over the course of a day, using boats

Essential everyday items as well as messages were delivered

Essential everyday items as well as messages were delivered

Celebrating the 35th Anniversary Together with Partners

SAP Managing Director Prem Anand (Left) and Shimadzu Corporation President and CEO Yasunori Yamamoto

SAP Managing Director Prem Anand (Left)
and Shimadzu Corporation President and CEO Yasunori Yamamoto

Approximately 140 participants including customers and partners attended the ceremony on November 22, 2024, commemorating the establishment of SAP. Shimadzu Corporation President and CEO Yasunori Yamamoto noted that the Shimadzu Group had renewed its determination to continue as the No. 1 supporter for the customers.

SAP Managing Director Prem Anand said “SAP too will continue to aim for sustainable growth. ‘The Century of Asia’ has only just started, and we are poised to seize this opportunity,” he noted, indicating his intent to strive to improve the presence of the Shimadzu Group worldwide.


Cutting the cake, decorated with the number “35,” together with the other attendees

Cutting the cake, decorated with the number “35,” together with the other attendees

A highlight of the event was the performance by the MINDS Taiko Drum Troupe. MINDS is an organization that supports people with disabilities and their families

A highlight of the event was the performance by the MINDS Taiko Drum Troupe. MINDS is an organization that supports people with disabilities and their families

The Shimadzu Group will continue to strive to achieve the wishes of our customers and to contribute to society.


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