Shimadzu Review Vol.74[1・2](2017)


Development of "Flex-APS" Nonlinear Pixel Shift Processing for Digital Angiography Systems

by Shohei Okubo1Keiichi Tanno1Takanori Yoshida1Yuta Tamura1David T. Pelletier2and Shota Sato2

Shimadzu Review 74[1・2] (2017.6)


Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is a method used in angiography systems for endovascular diagnosis and treatment. An image of the blood-vessels is created by subtracting the mask image acquired before injecting contrast agent from the live image acquired after the contrast agent has been injected. DSA does not include images other than blood-vessels and exhibits excellent low contrast resolution. We have developed "Flex-APS," interventional radiology support software that produces fewer artifacts and provides higher DSA image quality. This function has the following specifications

(1) Enables automatic nonlinear artifact correction to three dimensional movements in DSA images
(2) Enables automatic artifact correction in real time in DSA images

Keywords: Digital angiography system, Digital subtraction angiography, Pixel shift

1Research & Development Department, Medical Systems Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
2Shimadzu Software Development Canada Inc., Quebec, Canada

*The information contained in Shimadzu Review has not been modified since the original publication date. Please be aware that in some cases, products mentioned within the articles are no longer available.