Shimadzu Review Vol.74[3・4](2017)
Sensor devices


Plant Metabolome Analysis Method Using Mass Spectrometry and Its Application

by Junichi Masuda1Mami Okamoto, Ph.D.2Junko Takanobu2Muneo Sato2Yutaka Yamada2Yuka Fujito3Satoshi Yamaki, Ph.D.4Yoshihiro Hayakawa3Yuji Sawada, Ph.D.2Masami Y. Hirai, Ph.D.2and Masaru Furuta3

Shimadzu Review 74[3・4] (2017.12)


Metabolomic analysis using mass spectrometry is being widely used in various fields for the analysis of primary and secondary metabolites. In the field of plants, expectations have been growing for the application of metabolomic analysis to the evaluation of improved and high added-value plants. Here, we report on the results of an investigation into a plant metabolome platform using the breeding of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) as model plants. Metabolomic analyses of Chrysanthemum were performed using a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GCMS TQ-8040) and a Smart Metabolites Database package as well as a liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer (LCMS-8050). In the GC/MS analyses, we drew up a metabolites network map, which can assist in evaluations for breeding or quality control such as at harvest time, in addition to adding QC correction for improving reproducibility. We also developed a simultaneous analytical method for 17 major carotenoids that may play key roles in determining flower color. The results indicate that using the newly developed method the prediction of metabolite pathways is possible.

Keywords: Plant metabolome, Metabolomics, Mass spectrometry, APCI-MS, Primary metabolites, Secondary metabolites, Carotenoids, Chrysanthemum flower

1Global Application Development Center, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan
2RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Kanagawa, Japan
3Global Application Development Center, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan
4Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd., Beijing, China

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