X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Residual Catalysts

Many familiar industrial products are made of organic compounds and their manufacturing processes involve various synthesis reactions and metal catalysts. As the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and chemicals generally involves the use of homogeneous catalysts, there is a need to control the amount of residual catalysts in terms of product safety and the re-use of catalysts.
This article introduces an example analysis of the amount of residual homogeneous catalyst following a synthesis reaction by using the Pharmaceuticals Impurities Screening Method Package and employing palladium (Pd), a substance widely used as a catalyst, for a cross-coupling reaction.

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Elemental Analysis, Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Catalyst, Pharmaceutical, Inorganic impurity, Residual amount, Residual concentration, Calibration curve method, Food and Beverages, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Rubber, Resin, Plastics, Metals, EDX-7000
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