Analysis of Short-Chain Fatty Acids/Organic Acids (3-NPH Derivatives) in Fecal Specimens from SPF and Antibiotic-Fed Mice

Short-chain fatty acids, which are produced by intestinal microbiota, are reportedly linked to lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, and to elevated immune function, and have attracted interest, particularly in the fields of food products and pharmaceuticals. Heightened demand for quantitative analysis is also expected in the future in response to the growth of the probiotics market, which contributes to health promotion.
This article introduces an example of analysis of short-chain fatty acids produced by intestinal microbiota in fecal samples from normally-bred (SPF) and antibiotic-fed mice.

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
Reduction of false defect reporting, toxicant screeningIntestinal microbiota, intestinal flora, short-chain fatty acid, organic acid, lifestyle-related diseases, obesity, immune function, derivative, nitro hydrazine, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, DMPK, ADME, Safety testing, LCMS-8060
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