Automated visualization of multiomics (metabolomics, proteomics, fluxomics and transcriptomics) data on Garuda, a connectivity platform for biological analytics

In order to understand biological systems, it has become common to analyze over 100 metabolites. In particular, multiomics analysis which attempts to understand biological systems from multiomics data, has been utilized. With the increase in the number of metabolites and the number of proteins to be analyzed, there is now a big need for a tool to quickly look the many measurement results obtained and to create new knowledge and hypotheses.
We previously reported that we developed a pipeline for automated visualization of the multiomics data combining protein, metabolite and metabolic flux on the Garuda platform that provides the framework to connect, discover, and navigate through different software called "gadgets". This study has made it possible to handle transcriptome data.

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
Garuda platform, biological system, multiomics analysis, gadgets, transcriptome data, protein, RuBisCO, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Proteomics, Genomics, Metabolomics, Garuda platform
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