Simultaneous Analysis of Chiral Amino Acids Produced by Intestinal Microbiota using LC/MS/MS

In recent years, it has become clear that the intestinal microbiota in the intestinal tract contributes to the preservation and promotion of the hosts’ health and attention has been focused on the relationship of the intestinal microbiota and metabolites with health and diseases. Moreover, it has been found that D-amino acids are present in the bodies of mammals, and the functions of these D-amino acids are attracting attention.
This article introduces an example of comprehensively analyzing chiral amino acids in mouse colonic contents and blood plasma and investigating the D-amino acids produced by intestinal microbiota using LC-MS/MS and "LC/MS/MS Method Package for D/L Amino Acids".

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Liquid Chromatography, Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
D-amino acid, D/L-amino acid, Chiral amino acid, Colonic contents, Feces, Blood plasma, Biological sample, Mouse, Chiral separation, Chiral column, Clinical research, Forensics, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, DMPK, ADME, Safety testing, Clinical research, LCMS-8060, Nexera X2
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