Extractables and Leachables Analysis of Common Household Food Storage Products using a Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) Mass Spectrometer

Since food contact materials (FCMs) are in direct contact in consumer products, the existence of extractables and leachables (E&L) in the packaging and storage materials can raise health and safety concerns. To address these concerns and comply to the regulations, companies demand methods and techniques to analyze their products for research and development as well as quality assurance purposes. In response to this increasing demand, we developed a method to analyze extractables and leachables in FCMs using a liquid chromatography high accuracy mass spectrometer.

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Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry
Q-TOF, food contact materials, Food and Beverages, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), Food safety (Residues, Contaminants), Dye, Pigment, Paint, Ink, Printing, LCMS-9030
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