Development of a novel sample preparation approach for bottom-up shotgun proteomics

Profiling of proteins and peptides represents a complex analytical problem due to high chemical variability, and aims to provide a better understanding of the function and implication of a species into a given physiological process. A protein profiling strategy, the so-called ‘bottom up’ shotgun approach, involves the proteolytic digestion of a solution of proteins followed by the analysis of the released peptides. When aiming to increase the chance for protein identification, the use of efficient methods of protein digestion becomes indispensable. The present work is based on the evaluation of a target with a modified functionalised surface (Tethis SpA), allowing all stages of sample processing to be performed on the same sample spot.

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Mass Spectrometry, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer
Profiling, proteins, peptide, Tethis SpA, functionalised surface, Pharmaceutical, Life Science, Proteomics, AXIMA Performance
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