TN Measurement of Urea Solution

The exhaust of diesel engines contains particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which are considered to be causes of atmosphere pollution. In order to reduce the NOx that is released, some engines are equipped with a urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system.
This article introduces example measurements of the total nitrogen (TN) of aqueous urea solutions adjusted to constant concentrations, such as that used in SCR systems, using a total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer and a TN measurement option.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis, TOC Analysis
TN, Diesel, Engine, Catalyst, Urea, Nitrogen oxide, Particulate matter, PM, NOx, Ammonia, Electronics, Electronic, Environment, New Energy, Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water, PCB, Dioxins, Asbestos (Specified Hazardous substances) Test, Petrochemical, Polymer, Photovoltaic cell, Li-ion Battery, TOC-LCPH
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