
June 9, 2023 | News & Notices Expanding sales of Mass Spectrometer to hospitals through new clinical applications by acquiring software and human resources for clinical regulations
Acquired French software company Biomaneo

On May 31, Shimadzu Corporation made Biomaneo (Location: France, President:Kunihiko Koriyama) a wholly-owned subsidiary. Biomaneo is a software and reagent kit company with strengths in the clinical field. Since 2020, Shimadzu Europa GmbH (SEG), a European subsidiary of our company, has been collaborating with Biomaneo to market software for newborn screening tests (NBS). The purpose of this acquisition is to acquire software products for clinical use and to secure software talent with expertise in compliance with the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation (IVDR).

 In recent years, the introduction of liquid chromatograph mass spectrometers (LCMS) in clinical chemistry applications, mainly blood tests, has increased. In addition, hospital information systems (Laboratory Information System, LIS), which link information such as test results and test times with patients' electronic medical records, have become widespread in hospitals, and test equipment such as LCMS are required to link data with LIS. In the past, if a device could not be connected directly to the LIS, the user would have to manually transfer data to the LIS or deal with it by purchasing custom software.

Biomaneo's product is software that connects LIS to various inspection devices. Our company's new addition of Biomaneo software to its lineup enables the automation of data transmission from our company inspection equipment to LIS. Biomaneo's software personnel will also be responsible for developing IVDR-capable software for various tests, including investigational drug monitoring (TDM), as well as specialized software for reagents manufactured by Alsachim, a subsidiary of our company.

To date, our company has continued to expand its analytical product lineup for clinical use by acquiring the reagent companies Alsachim in France and Shimadzu Diagnostics Corporation(former Nissui Pharmaceutical) in Japan. The market for laboratory tests using LCMS such as NBS and TDM is expected to expand in the future. In our medium-term management plan (FY2023 to 2025), we have positioned this business as the Medtech business. To strengthen the Medtec business, Shimadzu will provide total solutions using LCMS, CLAM-2040 fully automated LCMS pre-treatment equipment, MALDI-8020/8030 matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer and Biomaneo software, and reagents from Alsachim and Shimadzu Diagnostics.

Details of Biomaneo

Company Name Biomaneo, SAS
President Kunihiko Koriyama
Address 22B Boulevard Winston Churchill 21000 Dijon-France
Capital 60,909EUR
Number of employees 8
Founded May 9, 2016