Supporting “Science Festival 2023 in Oita,” a Hands-On Science Festival!
Shimadzu Corporation had a booth at Science Festival 2023 in Oita as a supporter, held in J:COM HorutoHall Oita in September. The following describes the activities at the Shimadzu booth and provides comments from the booth staff.
What is “Science Festival in Oita”?
“Science Festival in Oita” is a hands-on science event that both adults and children can enjoy. The event was first held in 2019, based on the concept of “hands-on science for Oita Prefecture, where there is no science museum.” It is organized by an Executive Committee formed with members from Oita Godo News Company and the Division of Nanocarbon Research, Tokyo University of Science.
On the day of “Science Festival 2023 in Oita,” various talk shows and workshops on the theme of “Science” were held by guests, so that the visitors could encounter various interesting contents regarding science.
Genuine or Counterfeit? - “Shimadzu Treasure Appraisers”
At the Shimadzu booth, participants played a game called “Shimadzu Treasure Appraisers,” in which they used an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to determine whether metals used in rings and necklaces were genuine or counterfeit. Shimadzu also delivered a lecture about the instrument and the metallic elements. The children keenly participated in a quiz, and every time the correct answer was announced, they reacted with either delight or grief.
EDX-7200 energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (left), and gold-colored necklace analyzed with the instrument (the actual material was a gold-plated alloy)
Comment from the Person in Charge of the Shimadzu Booth
This was the second year that we had a booth at the “Science Festival in Oita”. Each time I am excited by the sight of children enjoying the quiz. Some participants visited our booth for the second year running, and we received the comment that “this year also the Shimadzu booth is the most interesting.” In the future, we would like to continue working so that the participants can feel that “science is interesting.”