Science – and You’re in the Center of it! Shimadzu Europa GmbH Held Girls’ Day 2023

Shimadzu’s European Headquarters, Shimadzu Europa GmbH (SEG), took part in the Girls’ Day event on April 27th! This year, 12 schoolgirls between 10 to 15 years old participated in four different experiments. Here are the report and video from Germany!


Girls Day in Germany

Girls' Day is Germany's largest career orientation project for offering multiple opportunities for female students to get to know exciting professions, especially in STEM* fields. Various companies and universities in Germany organize events and participants can meet female role models in management positions.

  • *STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Four Practical Experiments

The day featured four practical experiments that gave girls insight into the exciting world of science and technology. The following table details each experiment.

Experiment Name Detail
Mix it up Show how a dilution series can be created by mixing different liquids.
Magic of light Create a spectrophotometer and investigate the dilution series in terms of the color spectrum and color concentration.
Splitting Show how mixtures of substances can be broken down into their individual components using Shimadzu equipment.
Inspector gummy bears Demonstrate the function of a mass spectrometer by determining the sugar content of the gummy bears. With the help of VR glasses, it was also possible to experience a virtual introduction to the mass spectrometer.

Comment from the Person in Charge and Video

The day was very nice for us. The girls were eager to learn, seemed very interested and gave us very good feedback at the end.
I summarized a few insights from the day in the video.

The day concluded with a visit to our testing room, where we performed a live measurement demonstration for the girls. It was a thrilling experience for all. Shimadzu continues to contribute to sharing opportunities for kids to experience science and technology.


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