Implementation Process of CSR Procurement
Sustainable Procurement Activities Promoted with Suppliers
Starting in March 2022, a CSR Self-Assessment Check Sheet based on the CSR Procurement Guidelines has been distributed to the 860 suppliers in Japan. The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the status of CSR initiatives in the supply chain and to deepen suppliers' understanding of Shimadzu's CSR procurement approach and initiatives. The results of the survey confirmed that suppliers are implementing their own CSR-related initiatives, but that in some areas there is a need to strengthen these initiatives.
For those suppliers that have been identified as needing to strengthen their initiatives, we will work with them to improve their initiatives by introducing and providing specific support measures through interviews (called “Communication with Suppliers”). In order to promote respect for human rights and reduction of environmental impact in procurement activities, we will deepen communication with suppliers, who play a central role in the supply chain, and work together with them to build a supply chain that supports a sustainable society.
Informational Presentations for Suppliers
It is essential that we form partnerships with suppliers, who are central to our supply chain, to ensure human rights are respected in procurement activities and promote reducing our environmental impact. To promote a deeper understanding of measures, each year an informational presentation is conducted for suppliers. In FY 2023, 744 people from 521 companies attended the presentation online.
In August of FY 2023, a seminar entitled “Shimadzu Environmental Management Measures” was conducted for key suppliers.
In an effort to achieve growth together with our suppliers, we plan to continue offering useful seminars in the future as well.

Informational Presentations for Suppliers