・The method involves study of LOQ on both LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS, based on validation parameters like linearity, recovery, repeatability and within-laboratory reproducibility. ・A simple liquid-liquid extraction procedure has been employed for quantifying pesticides at trace levels in complex matrix like honey using Ultra-fast technologies of LCMS-8050 and GCMS-TQ8040 NX. ・LCMS Method Package for Residual Pesticide Ver.3 and GCMS Smart Pesticides DatabaseTM Ver.2 from Shimadzu Corporation enables ease of optimizing instrumental method.
The use of honey (Fig. 1) has grown and has been adopted into consumption habits due to its high nutritional value, palatable flavor, and medicinal properties. Several reports indicate the presence of pesticide residues from different classes, mainly neonicotinoid insecticides, organophosphates and pyrethroids in honey. Therefore, to protect human health, the European Union has set maximum residue limits (MRLs) for the presence of insecticides in honey. Thus, increasing the importance of having analytical method for determination of a range of pesticides present in honey. This study reports a validated method for the determination of 431 pesticides in honey using LCMS-8050 and GCMS-TQ8040 NX. The multi-residue extraction was performed using simple liquid-liquid extraction method for simultaneous quantification of 244 pesticides by LC-MS/MS and 214 pesticides by GC-MS/MS. Out of these, 27 pesticides were common and analyzed by both the techniques.
May 9, 2022 GMT
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