Nexera FV
On-line Dissolution Test of Loxoprofen Sodium Tablets
User Benefits
- On-line dissolution test can significantly reduce the man-hours required from test solution sampling to HPLC analysis. - Fraction analysis mode provides sampling of test solution at minimum 5-minute intervals and is expected to save labor and prevent human error. - Direct injection analysis mode doesn’t require fractionation vials, resulting in cost reduction.
Disintegration tests and dissolution tests are specified by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) and the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP). Nexera FV is an on-line HPLC system for automated dissolution testing of drug products. By connecting to a dissolution tester, the system can provide tablet loading, analysis of the test solution at each sampling time, calculation of dissolution rate, and preparation of report output automatically. This system eliminates human error and realizes labor-saving and efficient dissolution testing. This article reports the results of an on-line dissolution test of loxoprofen sodium tablets using Nexera FV.
January 9, 2024 GMT
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