GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer - Features
GC-MS Application System
Database of Expert Information for Odor Analysis
Information Registered in Database

All Odor-Causing Substances Identified from Previous Problems Are Registered.

The database includes information registered about all odor-causing substances identified from previous problems. Therefore, even if you don't know what types of compounds can cause odors, this database allows you to start analyzing them immediately.
Accurate Identification and Easy Quantitation Are Possible Even Without Standard Samples.
Retention indices for each odor component are registered in the database. The AART function can be used to accurately identify components registered in the database by calculating their retention time using retention indices for substances with a wide range of boiling points. In addition, concentrations can be quantified easily based on the calibration curve information registered in the database.

Substances Causing Odors Can Be Identified Based on Odor Characteristics and Odor Threshold Values.
Sensory information about odor components (characteristics and threshold values) is registered in the database. Therefore, by comparing the concentration of components identified in chromatograms with the threshold values, the substances causing odors can be identified. Furthermore, odor components can also be identified by actually smelling them using a sniffer unit.
Comparison of Concentration to Odor Threshold Values

Odor components with concentrations higher than the corresponding threshold value can be identified as candidates for causing given odors.
The concentration values calculated by the GC-MS off-flavor analyzer are estimates. If accurate concentration values are required, be sure to perform quantitative analysis using a method that involves creating a calibration curve.
Analytical System for Reliably Identifying Odor-Causing Substances
Process Flow Using the GC-MS Off-Flavor Analyzer

Three Different Types of Columns Can Be Selected for Detecting a Wide Variety of Components with High Sensitivity.
Three types of stationary liquid-phase columns are included, so that the optimum column can be selected based on the physical properties of the target components. A handbook provided with the system lists the detection limit for each registered component using the respective columns, which makes it easy to determine which column should be selected.
Example: Comparison of peak shapes obtained using columns with slight versus high polarity

Mass Chromatograms of Isovaleric Acid
(Left: Inert Cap 5Sil/MS, Right: Inert Cap Pure-WAX)
Using the slightly polar column to analyze highly acidic components, such as isovaleric acid, causes peak tailing, whereas using the highly polar column improves the peak shape, which enables measuring the component with high sensitivity.
Compatible Columns:
InertCapTM 5MS/Sil (30 m, 0.32 mm I.D., df = 0.5 μm)
InertCapTM 17MS (30 m, 0.25 mm I.D., df = 0.25 μm)
InertCapTM Pure-WAX (30 m, 0.25 mm I.D., df = 0.25 μm)
Note: InertCap is a registered trademark of GL Sciences Inc.
MRM and SIM Analysis Can Detect Odor Threshold Concentration Levels.
Since some odor components have a low odor threshold, low concentration levels need to be detected to identify the causative substances. High-sensitivity MRM/SIM analysis by GC-MS(/MS) can reliably detect even trace components near the odor threshold (a few pg/g).

Mass Chromatograms of 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole (estimated concentration of 18.166 pg/g) in Food with an Odd Odor (Left: Scan analysis, Right: MRM analysis)
Odors Can Be Confirmed Efficiently Using Predicted Retention Time Display Function.
On systems with a sniffer unit, odor components identified from the database can be confirmed. The system includes a function that displays estimated retention times for detected components, so that they can be confirmed based on time.

Application Solution-based System
An Optimal System, Including Pretreatment Unit, Can Be Configured.
The following is recommended as the optimal system.
We offer total support for all systems.
AOC-6000 Plus multifunctional autosampler | Supports injecting samples concentrated by SPME, injecting HS samples,or injecting liquid samples. |
GCMS-TQ8040 NX, GCMS-TQ8040 | Enables detection of trace components by MRM analysis. |
PHASER (GL Sciences B.V.) |
If a candidate odor component is identified in a chromatogram, this unit can be used to confirm the
OPTIC-4 (GL Sciences B.V.) | Supports injecting samples using a MonoTrapTM. |
Note 1: Sniffers other than the PHASER may be used in some cases. Contact your Shimadzu representative for details.
Note 2: The system does not support the OPTIC-4 LINEX function.
The following models may be selected depending on customer requirements.

GC/MS : GCMS-QP2020 NX, GCMS-QP2020, GCMS-QP2010 Ultra, GCMS-TQ8050 NX, GCMS-TQ8050
Autosampler : AOC-5000 Plus, AOC-20i/s
Change Columns without Releasing the Vacuum

This minimizes system downtime due to changing columns.
Available when using a splitter system that splits flows between detection by the MS and the sniffer unit.
- Shimadzu makes no warranty regarding the accuracy of information included in the database or the usefulness of information obtained from using the database.
- Be sure to perform tests using standard samples to confirm qualitative and quantitative information obtained using the given system.
- To reliably identify registered substances using this database, measure samples using the instrument parameters specified in method files included with the product.