Shim-pack SCR Series
HPLC Column
Shim-pack SCR-101N/C/P are suitable for the analysis of monosaccharides. Since the samples are separated under a mixed mode of gel filtration and ligand exchange, the selectivity differs depending on the type of cation. Shim-pack SCR-101H and SCR-102H are ion exclusion chromatography columns, using H type sulfonated styrene polymer as stationary phase. They are ideal for analysis of organic acids using an acid aqueous solution (e.g. aqueous solution of perchloric acid) as mobile phase.
Shim-pack SCR Series Analysis Examples (Saccharide Standard)
News / Events
New Nexera Prep Preparative Purification Liquid Chromatograph
The Nexera™ Prep Purification System provides optimal solutions for your laboratory needs.
Shimadzu has released the Shim-vial™ H glass, S glass.
Shimadzu provides high-quality vials that thoroughly eliminate these risks by visually inspecting each vial, allowing them to be used with confidence.
Shimadzu has released the MUP-3100, Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis
Shimadzu developed the MUP-3100 Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis in conjunction with Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd., for use with their antibody N-glycan analysis kit. The MUP-3100 eliminates manual sample preparation, increases overall analysis throughput, and improves reproducibility.
Ion Chromatography Solutions for Environmental Analysis
Shimadzu has focused on the development of instruments for environmental analysis for decades, helping scientists to detect, identify and quantify trace-level pollutants and meet environmental testing demands, for both regulatory purposes and to advance Research & Development.
Shimadzu has released the Peakintelligence™ for LC
Liquid chromatography is now an indispensable analytical technique used in pharmaceutical, food, and a wide variety of other industries. In these industries, there is a need for efficient data analysis methods that are not user-dependent. Peakintelligence for LC software includes AI algorithm* that was developed by learning expert peak integration skills.
Oxygen heterocyclic compounds profile evaluation in cold-pressed Citrus essential oils using supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to photodiode array detector
A large number of analytical techniques to characterize the non-volatile composition of Citrus essential oils (EOs) were introduced in the literature. However, the reports of Citrus EOs analysis by supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) with UV or mass spectrometry detectors for the analysis of non-volatile polar compounds are still few.