Injection Ports

Split/Splitless Injection Unit (SPL)

Enables tool-free column connection. Septum replacement is also possible.

  • Sealing mechanism ClickTek nut
    Injection mode Split, Splitless, High Pressure Injection
    Split ratio Up to 12500 : 1
  • Pressure range 0 to 1035 kPa
    Maximum operating temperature 450 ℃

Supports capillary columns from 50 μm to 530 μm I.D. / Built-in electronic septum purge / Gas saver mode reduces gas consumption / Inert treatment (Option)

Packed Column Injection Unit (SINJ)

  • Supported Columns Stainless Steel Packed Column/
    Glass Packed Column
    Injection mode Direct
    Sealing mechanism Standard Nut
  • Pressure range 0 to 970 kPa
    Maximum operating temperature 450 ℃

Other Injection Units

Split Injection Unit for Gas
Direct Injection Unit
On-Column Injection Unit
Programmable Temperature
Vaporizer Injection Unit
capillary columns
50 µm to 530 µm I.D. 50 µm to 530 µm I.D. 50 µm to 530 µm I.D.*1 50 µm to 530 µm I.D.
septum purge
Built-In Built-In Built-In Built-In
Gas saver mode Available N/A N/A Available
Sealing mechanism N/A ClickTek Nut Standard Nut Standard Nut
Injection mode Split/Splitless Direct Direct Split/Splitless
Split ratio Up to 12500:1 N/A N/A Up to 12500:1
Pressure range 0 to 1035 kPa 0 to 1035 kPa 0 to 1035 kPa 0 to 1035 kPa
Maximum operating
450 °C 450 °C 450 °C 450 °C
temperature ramps
N/A N/A 7 7
Heating rate N/A N/A OCI:
50 °C to 250 ℃: 250 ℃/min
250 °C to 350 ℃: 200 ℃/min
350 °C to 450 °C: 150 ℃/min
50 °C to 450 ℃: 350 ℃/min
50 °C to 250 °C: 250 ℃/min
250 °C to 350 °C: 200 ℃/min
350 °C to 450 °C: 150 ℃/min

*1: When using a capillary column with an I.D. of less than 530 µm with the OCI-NX, it is necessary to connect it using the optional press-tight connector.


Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

The FlD shows good response for all organic compounds.
It is characterized by high robustness and a wide linear dynamic range.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 1.5 pg C/s (dodecane)*2
    Linear dynamic range 1 × 107 (10 %)
    Max acquisition rate 1 ms (1000 Hz)
    Maximum operating
    450 ℃
    Automatic extinguishing
  • Flow rate settings Makeup (N2 or He): 0 to 100 mL/min
    H: 0 to 100 mL/min
    Air : 0 to 1000 mL/min

*2: Results will vary depending on the sample and analytical conditions.

Microreactor for FID

  • Jetanizer
    The reactor to convert CO, CO2 to methane
    Compatible Columns Capillary Column/Packed Column
    Catalyst Oxygen Tolerance Yes
    Applicable Concentration Range 1 x 107 Equivalent to FID detectable range *3
    *3: Confirmation by injecting 1ml 100% CO2
  • Polyarc
    The reactor to convert any hydrocarbons to methane
    Compatible Columns Capillary Column
    Catalyst Oxygen Tolerance Yes
    Equimolarity to carbon number Yes
    Applicable concentration range 1 x 107 Equivalent to FID detectable range *4
    *4: Confirmation by injecting 1µL 100% ethanol


Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

A detector that senses changes in the thermal conductivity of the eluting sample. It can detect all compounds aside from the carrier gas.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 400 pg/mL (Decane)
    Linear dynamic range 1 × 105
    Max acquisition rate 1 ms (1000 Hz)
    Gas switching cycle inside TCD is 200ms
    Maximum operating
    400 ℃
    Compatible column Capillary column/
    Packed column *5
  • Flow rate settings Reference Gas
    He : 0 to 100 mL/min
    H2 : 0 to 100 mL/min
    N2 : 0 to 100 mL/min
    Ar : 0 to 100 mL/min

*5: Optional adapter is needed for packed column analysis

Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector (BID)

A universal and highly sensitive detector for trace level analysis. The BID is commonly used for the analysis of highly dilute organic compounds and permanent gases.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 1.0 pg C/s (dodecane)
    Linear dynamic range 1 × 105
    Max acquisition rate 1 ms (1000 Hz)
  • Maximum operating
    350 ℃
    Flow rate settings Discharge gas (He) : 0 to 100 mL/min

Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)

The detector of choice for trace-level analysis of phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) and tin (Sn) compounds.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 55.0 fg P/s (tributyl phosphate)
    Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 2.5 pg S/s (dodecanethiol)
    Easy switching of luminous
    P, S, Sn
    Dynamic range Tributyl phosphate (P) : 1 × 104
    Dodecanethiol (S) : 1 × 103
    Max acquisition rate 2 ms (500 Hz)
    Max operating temperature 450 ℃
  • Flow rate settings H2 : 0 to 250 mL/min
    Air : 0 to 1000 mL/min

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

The detector of choice for trace-level analysis of electrophilic compounds such as halogenated, organometallic and nitro compounds.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 4.0 fg/s (Lindane)
    Dynamic range 1 × 105
    Max acquisition rate 2 ms (500 Hz)
  • Max operating temperature 400 ℃
    Flow rate settings ECD gas (N2, Ar) : 0 to 200 mL/min

Thermal Ionization Detector (FTD)

A detector that shows a selective response for compounds containing nitrogen or phosphorus.

  • Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 0.1 pg N/s (azobenzene)
    Minimum Detectable
    Quantity (MDQ)
    < 0.01 pg P/s (malathion)
    Dynamic range (N) 1 × 103
    Dynamic range (P) 1 × 103
    Max acquisition rate 1 ms (1000 Hz)
    Maximum operating
    450 ℃
  • Flow rate settings Makeup (He, N2, Ar) :
           0 - 100 mL/min
    H2 : 0 - 30 mL/min
    Air : 0 - 1000 mL/min

Autosampler System

GI-30 Auto Gas Injector

GI-30 is an automatic gas sample introduction system for GC/GCMS. It is capable of automated analysis with high injection reproducibility, from inorganic gases to organic gases analysis containing adsorbable components.

  • Number of Sample Inlets *6
    Sample Loop 1 mL
    Maximum Introduction Pressure 100 kPa
    Sample Gas Inlet Connection 1/16'' (connected to GI-30 with accompanying VICI union)
    Pressure Balance Function Yes
    Valve Heating Yes *7
    Valve Purge Function Yes *8
    Adsorption Prevention Design Yes *9
    Compatible Inlet Split Injection Unit for Gas (SPI), Split/Splitless Injection Unit (SPL)
  • GI-30

*6: Expandable up to 2 sample ports. In addition, up to 16 sample ports is configurable with Multi-position valve VB-30-GS.
*7: Constant temperature control at 80 °C.
*8: Purge function is an option.
*9: Not guaranteed that compounds at any concentration will not be adsorbed.

VB-30-GS Multi-position valve

Automatic sample gas line selector*10 for gas samples, which can be combined with GI-30 to automatically measure up to 16 sample gas streams.

  • Number of Sample Inlets 4 to 16
    Flow Path Configuration Dead-end type, flow-through type *11
    Maximum Introduction Pressure 100 kPa

*10: VB-30-GS can be controlled via LabSolutions.
*11: Dead-end type: Gas in the unselected channel is sealed, and gas flows only when sampling.
Flow-through type: Unselected flow paths are continuously drained from the.

GC Software

LabSolutions Series

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