Ensuring a safe and clean water supply is the most basic duty, and it is essential to manage water quality in a timely manner to ensure this at all times. Water quality and environmental standards have been established for volatile organic compounds (VOC) in water as substances that cause health hazards. These substances can be accurately quantified at low concentrations using GC/MS.

Application News

Performance Demonstration of a New GC-MS Instrument and Novel BFB Tune for Analysis of Volatile Compounds by EPA Method 524.2

Performance Demonstration of a New GC-MS Instrument and Novel BFB Tune for Analysis of Volatile Compounds by EPA Method 524.2


The stability and sensitivity of the newly released Shimadzu GCMSQP2020 NX instrument and novel BFB tuning were evaluated in accordance to method EPA 524.2. Results demonstrated that BFB tune met EPA method 524.2 criteria for 30 samples over 15 hrs. To assess sensitivity, Method Detections Limits (MDLs) were calculated at two individual concentrations. At 0.25 µg/L the calculated MDL ranged from 0.020 – 0.190 µg/L, while at 0.50 µg/L the calculated MDL ranged from 0.050 to 0.790 µg/L. Overall, the study results illustrate that the GCMS-QP2020 NX passes the EPA detection limits requirement for method 524.2.

A Guide to the Novel Shimadzu GC-MS BFB Tuning for the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Samples

A Guide to the Novel Shimadzu GC-MS BFB Tuning for the Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Samples


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes strict BFB tuning criteria to ensure the quality of the results when analyzing volatile compounds. Due to many challenges inherent to GCMS Purge and Trap instruments required for this analysis, several GC-MS instruments have difficulties in passing the required US EPA BFB tuning criteria or remaining stable over prolonged operations period. In this study, the performance of a novel BFB tuning algorithm was demonstrated on the latest Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX. The demonstration study consisted of two phases that comprised 1) evaluating the BFB tune and 2) testing the stability of internal standards and surrogates for EPA methods 524.2 and 624/8260. The results illustrate that the BFB spectra was able to pass all EPA requirements of methods 524.2 and 624/8260 criteria for the analysis of at least 1407 samples for over 4 months.

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GC/MS is now a standard analytical technique used in a variety of fields. With each new development, requests for more cost-effective systems and improvements in the work-life balance of users grow. Dedicated to improving efficiency, the GCMS-QP2020NX can assist any laboratory, regardless of its analysis focus, achieve its full potential.