CGT-7100 - Configuration

Transportable Gas Analyzer

For Measuring Emissions from Boilers and Combustion Equipment(Assumed conditions)

P/N Description Q'ty
638-90445-21 CGT-7100 Type 1, 200V
Measurement Range
CO: 0 to 1000/5000 ppm
CO2: 0 to 5/15 vol%
Including the external drain separator
046-01525-31 Filter Element 1
630-02335-02 Filter, #264 10D (for drain separator) 1

For Fuel Cell Research

P/N Description Q'ty
638-90445-22 CGT-7100 Type 2, 200V
Measurement Range
CO: 0 to 5 vol% CH4: 0 to 20 vol%
046-01525-31 Filter Element 1

For Testing and Research

P/N Description Q'ty
638-90446-21 CGT-7100 Type 3, 200V
Measurement Range
CO: 0 to 10/20 vol% CH2: 0 to 10/20 vol%
046-01525-31 Filter Element 1