Measurement of Total Carbon in Soil and Compost by TOC Solid Sample Measurement System

Soil contains a large amount of organic matter, which plays a key role in plant growth and is useful in improving and stabilizing the productivity of agricultural crops. Compost, a type of fertilizer in which organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms, improves the condition of soil by supplying diverse substances and has the function of improving the growing condition of crops. Accordingly, determining the organic carbon content in soil provides a useful index for stable growth of agricultural crops and plants.
This article introduces an example of measurement of the total carbon content in soil and compost samples by using a TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer and SSM-5000A solid sample combustion unit.

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Total Organic Carbon Analysis
Solid sample measurement, soil, compost, sludge, environment, agriculture, biotechnology, TC, IC, TOC, Environment, Food and Beverages, Hydrocarbon Processing Industry (Petrochemical, Chemical), Discharge Water, Groundwater, Environment Water, Soil, Fertilizer, Waste Material Test, TOC-L
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