Everything starts with a dream
In 2025, Shimadzu Corporation will celebrate its 150th year of operation.
The company was founded
by Genzo Shimadzu Sr.
to manufacture instruments
for physics and chemistry use.
Genzo’s aspiration was
to contribute
to society through science and technology.
And he was the first in Japan to succeed in launching a manned civilian light balloon.
His vision has been passed down in the Shimadzu Group through
generations and is alive today.
Genzo’s balloon is a symbol of the persistent striving to realize dreams that is
in Shimadzu’s DNA.
Society will surely continue to change,
and humanity will continue
to face new challenges.
For our part,
we will continue to make customers’ dreams our own,
and strive to realize our wishes for the well-being of mankind
and the earth.
Toward the realization
of an empathetic society

Responding to social
150 Years
Since its founding,
Shimadzu Corporation has contributed
to society through
science and technology.
Beginning with the field of education,
Shimadzu has continued working
to devise solutions in a broad range of areas,
including medicine, food, the environment,
and academia, even amid
disaster and pandemic.

We will look back on 150 years
of sustained striving by
Shimadzu Corporation to
realize its vision of contributing
to society through science
and technology.