Total Nitrogen Unit for TOC-L Series
Perform Simultaneous TOC and TN Measurements
- 720 °C catalytic thermal decomposition/chemiluminescence methods are adopted for TN measurement. There is no interference from metallic ions or bromine in sea water.
- Measurements over a wide range with a detection limit of 5 μg/L for TOC-LCH to an upper limit of 10,000 mg/L.
(In the case of simultaneous TOC/TN measurement, TOC analysis using high-sensitivity catalysts is impossible.)
News / Events
The TOC 50th anniversary special website has been opened.
The website has been established to explain the basic knowledge about TOC and describe the history of Shimadzu TOC analyzers.
Science and Technology for Soil Preratation
We interviewed Prof. Kubo, who has been developing and disseminating the ”Soil fertility diagnosis: SOFIX [Soil Fertile Index]”, a method for visualizing soil preparation by analyzing biological properties, a goal which has been difficult to achieve with conventional technologies.
Shimadzu has released the Certified Pre-Cleaned Vials for Total Organic Carbon Analyzers.
A warranty card is included declaring that the elution of organic impurities into the vial is less than 10µ gC/L.
Shimadzu Enters the Field of On-Line TOC Analyzers for Pure Water with the Mercury-Free TOC-1000e, the First Analyzer in the New eTOC Series