
High Optical Resolution
Gratings with grooves that have a sawtooth profile (blazed gratings) exhibit a high diffraction efficiency for certain orders and wavelengths.
・Blazed Holographic Gratings (BHG)
・Plane Blazed Holographic Gratings(010-080-□□□)

Low Stray Light = Low Noise
Shimadzu’s new holographic exposure method and optimized etching process have made it possible to produce both high-efficient and exceptionally low stray light gratings.
Low Stray Light Diffraction Gratings [Lo-Ray-Ligh®]

Extensive Lineup and Stable Quality
Shimadzu offers the right solutions to improve your spectroscopy in various applications with wide range of high-precision diffraction gratings.
Our sophisticated holographic exposure technology and replicating technique make it possible to produce high-quality gratings stably with less periodic error.
Our Technology for Manufacturing Gratings
Line up
Concave Gratings

Concave Blazed Holographic Gratings for Polychromators
A spectroscopic optical system is constituted without using an imaging element such as a concave mirror. (for Polychromators)
Categories : Medical/Diagnostic (Biochemical tests), Food Analysis , Medical

Concave Blazed Holographic Gratings for Monochromators
A spectroscopic optical system is constituted without using an imaging element such as a concave mirror. (for monochromators)
Categories : Food Analysis, Medical

Equally spaced straight-groove Toroidal Diffraction Gratings
It is for high-functional applications where detection by weak light is required.
Categories : Medical/Diagnostic (Biochemical tests), Food Analysis

Aberration-corrected Toroidal Gratings for Flat-field Polychromators
The toroidal diffraction gratings, which are produced by holographic exposure method and ion-beam etching technology, have low stray light and high efficiency.
Categories : Food Analysis, Medical
Plane Gratings

Plane Blazed Holographic Gratings
It is for applications requiring high optical resolution with high efficiency and low stray light in a specific wavelength range.
Categories : Optical Communication

Low Stray Light Diffraction Gratings [Lo-Ray-Ligh®]
LO-RAY-LIGH has guaranteed values of stray light at the intermediate position between zero-order and + first-order lights.
Categories : Optical Communication

Diffraction Gratings for Laser Systems LA Series
It is for various laser applications such as external cavity, pulse compression, and pulse expansion.
Categories : Lasers and Semiconductors

NIR High Efficiency Gratings for S-polarization
It is for applications such as pulse compression and expansion used for femtosecond laser and optical spectrum analyzer
Categories : Lasers and Semiconductors

Diffraction Gratings for Optical Communication
It is for optical communication applications and industrial measurement applications requiring high efficiency and environmental resistance. (Passed standard GR-1221 CORE compliance test)
Categories : Optical Communication

Plane Holographic Gratings for High Resolution Spectrometers (3000 grooves/mm or more)
Realizes low stray light and high resolution. For spectroscopy in a range from the vacuum ultraviolet region to the soft X-ray region. (plane diffraction grating)
Categories : Synchrotron Radiation (VUV/XUV/EUV)
Laminar Gratings for Soft X-ray Region

Laminar-type Replica Diffraction Gratings for VUV/Soft X-ray Region
Realizes low stray light and high resolution. For spectroscopy in a range from the vacuum ultraviolet region to the soft X-ray region. (concave diffraction grating)

Laminar-type Diffraction Gratings for VUV/Soft X-ray Region
(Special order)
Realizes low stray light and high resolution. For spectroscopy in a range from the vacuum ultraviolet region to the soft X-ray region. (concave diffraction grating)