External Support Activities
Shimadzu proactively supports various environmental activities outside the company, including sending personnel to teach lessons at educational institutions from elementary schools to universities, conducting factory tours for groups from universities and industry, conducting seminars on the environment, providing support with acquiring ISO 14001 certification, and so on.
More unique measures include the development of environmental education materials by the Eco-Club (a team of women from within Shimadzu that engages in environmental projects), which are used to teach lessons about the environment at elementary schools, for example.
In 2015, the Eco-Club received the 13th Kyoto Environmental Award Corporate Activities Prize in recognition of their many years of activities. A selection committee member praised the club for taking a new approach for going beyond the level of environmental measures expected of companies.
Renovation of Permanent Exhibit at Osaka ATC Green Eco Plaza
Shimadzu has had a permanent exhibit booth at the Osaka ATC Green Eco Plaza since 2004. The concept for the booth was based on a hope that children would approach global environmental issues in a fun manner, like playing a game. The current theme is biodiversity.
To prevent the extinction of species, it is necessary to know what species have already gone extinct, why they went extinct, and why endangered species are close to extinction.
Therefore, the booth displays the "bidi" card game invented by Shimadzu for learning about endangered species, based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

Booth at ATC
Support for Environmental Activities Outside of Shimadzu
Activities to Help Teach Children About the Environment
Shimadzu is involved in activities to provide support outside of Shimadzu as well, such as to stimulate environmental awareness and contribute to local environments.
Specifically, we conduct on-site classes about the environment at educational institutions ranging from elementary schools to universities, accept factory tours, and give presentations at seminars held outside Shimadzu, for example. The Eco-Club (a team of women from within Shimadzu that engages in environmental projects) uses unique teaching materials developed by themselves to teach classes on the environment at elementary schools. In 2017, they taught a lesson at the Shimadzu Forest, in cooperation with the Kyoto City Environmental Policy Bureau, entitled Exploration of Living Things as a Parent-Child Team.

Participants of Exploration of Living Things as a Parent-Child Team Event
Support for Environmental Organizations around the World
We support and co-sponsor the "Kyoto World Water Grand Prize," which recognizes organizations that continue to make outstanding efforts to solve water problems in developing countries.
At the 8th World Water Forum held in Brazil in March 2018, the president of the Shimadzu local subsidiary presented the award on behalf of the sponsoring companies and organizations.
On that occasion, a grassroots organization called CCDP in the Republic of Togo, in West Africa was given an award for their "Proposed Project for Ensuring Safe Drinking Water and Improving the Sanitary Environment."

"Kyoto World Water Grand Prize"
commendation ceremony
(courtesy of Japan Water Forum)
Accepting JICA and Other Trainees from Outside Japan
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Cooperation Center Petroleum (JCCP), and other organizations accept trainees from developing countries to teach them about Japanese industrial technology. Since many participate for the purpose of learning about environmental technology, Shimadzu, which has corresponding analytical instruments and expertise, has been cooperating with such programs to train about 100 trainees per year. This training teaches about environmental management and environmental monitoring technology, demonstrates water quality analyzers and equipment, and so on.

JICA Training Session
Environmental Conservation Activities around the World
The Shimadzu Group engages in environmental conservation activities on a global scale.
Since 2008, we have been continuously involved in "Shimadzu Corporation Forest Creation Activities" (Nantan City, Kyoto Prefecture) in support of the activities of the Model Forest Association of Kyoto Prefecture. Employees, their families, and new employees participate in forest maintenance activities, such as forest thinning work, under the guidance of local people and related organizations.
In addition, with the cooperation of outside experts, we are engaged in activities, such as cultivating shiitake mushrooms, woodworking classes for children, making moss balls, and nature classes. It is an opportunity to enjoy learning about nature through forest conservation.
<Shimadzu Corporation Forest Creation Activity Awards>
2013 Kyoto Model Forest Association Chairman's Award
2014 Kyoto Model Forest Movement Promotion Award, Kyoto Governor's Award

Shimadzu Europa GmbH (Germany) planted 1,500 trees in a forest area with a 18 km hiking trail in Duisburg in December 2018.
The social day, at which Shimadzu employees support social projects, has become a tradition within the company since 2013. Once again, volunteers have been actively involved in their community.
The 1,200 young European oak and 300 sweet chestnut, little-leaf linden and hornbeam have been selected to fit the natural tree species spectrum, growing well in the sandy soil. Forests with these indigenous trees serve as a habitat for many rare and endangered animals, plants and fungus species. Additionally, oak and linden trees are particularly long-lived, so future generations will also enjoy this biotope.

China-based affiliates of Shimadzu, 8 companies, have been participating in "Mother River Protection" program collaborated with China Youth Development Foundation since 2010. This program aims to protect river and soil environment, and promote restoration of local vegetation and forestation in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins. To date, this program has carried out afforestation activities on a total area of 7.01 million square meters.

Shimadzu Philippines Manufacturing Inc. (SPM) acquired ISO14001 certification in 2000 and is carrying out environmental conservation activities. Since planting trees in an area across from the office building in 2001, we have continued tree-planting activities in various parts of the Philippines. In addition, as a member of a monitoring team consisting of local governments and companies, our pollution prevention manager and other staff are involved in a wide range of social contribution activities, including support for orphanages and the provision of clothing, food, shelter, and medicine to disaster-stricken areas.
Many employees participate in an annual running event organized by the Cavite City Export Zone (CEZ) in the Philippines. The event is a fund-raising campaign for environmental activities, and funds collected from registration fees are used for regular tree-planting and clean-up activities in the Cavite area.